Pure Vanilla Cookie Run: Kingdom Best Toppings & Build

Best Vanilla Cookie Run Toppings and Build

Cookie Run: Kingdom is a full-fledged RPG that includes different toppings and builds that you can use for the large roster of characters that it offers. What sets it apart from other games is that it features cookies as playable characters rather than human armies – which is refreshing to see.

One of the most popular characters in Cookie Run: Kingdom is Pure Vanilla, and it helps to know what are the best build and toppings for him.

It can take a lot of time to figure out which toppings and builds are best for your characters, especially since the game has a lot of variety.

Fortunately, we’re here to save your time! So, let’s take a look at the best Pure Vanilla cookie Run: Kingdom Best Toppings and build right away!

Pure Vanilla is a character that can be best described as a hybrid between offensive and defensive options – which makes him a pretty good team player with the right toppings.

Best Pure Vanilla Toppings

The best topics for Pure Vanilla are X5 Swift Chocolate and X5 Solid Almonds, based on what you’re looking for. Swift Chocolate toppings decrease cooldown, whereas the Solid Almond makes the character more durable.

You can mix them up based on your preferences too. And alternatively, Searing Raspberry toppings are useful too

Best Pure Vanilla Build

There are two good builds that you can use for Pure Vanilla in Cookie Run: Kingdom. One of them makes use of the Swift Chocolate which, as we know, reduces cooldown. And then you can mix up Solid Almonds with it to give damage reduction too, which increases durability.

The second build makes use of Searing Raspberry, which gives additional ATK power to Pure Vanilla. This makes use of Pure Vanilla’s tank abilities, so make sure to decide how you want to approach playing as the character first.

Again, it comes down to your preferences as you can pick the build that best suits you and even appropriately mix them up.

And that’s it for our best Cooking Run: Kingdom Pure Vanilla toppings and build! We hope you found it useful, and you can take a look at several of our other helpful Cookie Run guides too while you’re still here.

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