⚡ 7 Simple Hacks to Make Your Android Or iPhone Charge 85% Faster

Make your phones charge faster
Image: @Vinokurov_Yury via Twenty20

Our phones are our closest companions and it’s not even up for debate. We use our mobile devices to handle our daily activities and they do well to make life easier for us. Each day we make use of our phones to handle business tasks such as sending emails, preparing and sharing documents, and completing projects.

Phones are not used for work or in the office alone but they’re also there for us when we feel bored and need some cheering up. That’s why we can watch movies (online or offline), listen to our favorite songs, and handle some other tasks.

Because our phones spend the whole day with us and keep us company, in return, we need to care for them and one of the best ways to do that is to charge them in the most appropriate way possible.

Also, some people tend to spend every minute of their day with their phone so much so that letting it off their sight might be a problem.

If you belong to this category, you would of course need to know how you can charge your device faster so it returns to your palm and you can continue from where you stopped.

Let’s take a look at 7 ways you can charge your phone (Android or iOS) faster for more efficiency, effectiveness, and functionality.

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1. Turn Off Your Phone When Charging

This has been proven to be one of the best ways to have your phone charged very fast.

This method is highly effective and is used by most people to ensure that their phone takes its time to charge healthily till it gets to 100%.

Why this method works well is because when your phone is turned off, the background apps will not function during that period. Background apps slow down your device’s charging speed so when they are not working, there’s no way your device’s charging speed won’t be accelerated.

2. Put Your Phone On Airplane Mode When Charging

make your phone charge faster
Image: Geeky Soumya

This is the next most effective way to make your device charge much faster. When you activate airplane mode, your data services will be turned off.

Your network will also cease to function for the period thus mode is activated, making it easy to charge your phone faster.

To activate airplane mode, swipe your device from the top to bottom and visit the Quick Settings page where you’ll find an Airplane icon. Tap the icon to activate or deactivate Airplane mode.

3. Use A Wall Socket To Charge Your Phone

A lot of people don’t know this, but when you charge directly from the wall socket instead of an extension socket, your phone charges faster. This is so because the wall socket distributes a higher voltage power than extension sockets, boosting your phone’s charging speed by almost 30%.

Also, a lot of extension sockets out there perform way below their expected ability so to get a better result, a wall socket is an ideal option.

4. Activate Charge Mode When Charging With USB

If you’re charging your device via a USB port instead of the regular adapter, you would need to activate the Charge Mode.

Whether you’re using a PC, charging from a desktop, or a CPU, selecting the Charge Mode will channel the energy from the power source and convert it to Charge Only mode which would make your device charge faster.

To activate this mode, when you plug your device into the USB, swipe down from the top of your screen till you see the USB options. Choose the Charge Only mode and that’s it.

5. If You’re Using A Power Bank, Use A Good One

make your phone charge faster
Image: @Nodar via Twenty20

While there are great power banks out there, there are also bad/weak ones. Powerbanks are a handy option when you’re out of electricity, traveling, or not just at home.

They help you get your device charged even when you’re on the move.

Good power banks out there distribute power to your device like a wall socket would do, ensuring that your phone charges faster. As fr the bad ones, they can work as poorly as weakening your device’s battery if care is not taken.

6. Use Good USB Cables

Just like power banks, we have high-quality and low-quality USB cords. If you use a weak USB cable, your device will charge very slowly and may end up affecting your battery in the process.

On the other hand, when you use good cables, your phone will charge at a fast pace and your battery will also be conserved.

While some devices alert you if your phone is compatible with a USB cable or not, some others don’t so you don’t have to wait for the notification. Once you notice your device is charging slowly with the USB cable you’re using, disconnect it and get a better one.

7. You May Need To Remove Your Phone’s Case

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Image: Digital Trends

Some phone cases affect how properly the charger fits into the charging port.

If you have that sort of case on your phone, you would need to remove it because if the USB cord does not penetrate properly into the charging port, the charging process will be slowed down and this can also cause your battery to get damaged pretty quickly.

Also, while using the Wireless Charging feature is cool, you don’t have to use it all of the time. Minimize how you charge your device wirelessly because it is never the best option as long as charging your device faster is concerned.

Lastly, many people are fond of using their phones when charging. If you do not have anything urgent or important to do in your phone while you’re charging it, you should leave it and allow it to charge.

If you use your device while it’s plugged into a power source, the charging speed will be slowed down because of the apps that will be running, the screen brightness, and the network services that will all be on at the time.

It is also recommended health-wise that you do not use your phone when charging.

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