How to Mute Someone, Or Server On Discord

How to Mute Someone, Or Server On Discord

Sometimes you really need to focus on a specific task and remove the potential of distractions interrupting your flow, and muting people, Channels, or Servers is a great way to do this.

To mute a specific person, you’ll need to have a Direct Message Channel already open with them.

Select the person you wish to mute from the “Direct Message” tab on the left-hand side, and right-click on their name.

How to Mute Someone, Or Server On DiscordHow to Mute Someone, Or Server On Discord

Hover your mouse over the bottom option “Mute @…” to see the different time increments that you can mute them for, ranging from fifteen minutes to permanently (until you unmute them).

How to Mute Someone, Or Server On Discord

To mute a Server, right-click on the Server you wish to mute from the Server sidebar.

How to Mute Someone, Or Server On Discord

Hover your mouse over the “Mute server” option just like when muting a user and select your desired time.

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